Wednesday, September 1, 2021 Categories:

It’s that time of year again… time for EduTech ITS fall visits! An NDIT-EduTech Information Technology Specialist will be in touch with you soon to schedule a time to meet at your school.

Among lots of other things, learn about how to obtain a Computer a Science and CyberSecurity credential, how to engage students in cyber competitions and how to engage in coding clubs.

Meetings will be scheduled during the school day, from September 7-October 1. At the meeting, an ITS team member will highlight upcoming trainings and other opportunities for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are someone who handles the professional learning or has input on it and want to be included in on your school/district visit, let us know! We look forward to meeting with you soon! – Manager of Professional Development & Outreach

EduTech Information Technology Specialists (ITS):, and