Workshops and engagements related to PowerSchool and the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)


Topic Name Sort descending
CTE Course Setup 24-25
Data Validation 24-25
eTranscript Training and Help Day 24-25
Fall Scheduling 24-25
Insights ND
MIS03 Data Help Day 24-25
MIS03 Refresher 24-25
Parent Accounts in PowerSchool 24-25
PowerSchool 24.5 Q and A
PowerSchool Activities 24-25
PowerSchool ADA/ADM 23-24
PowerSchool ADA/ADM 24-25
PowerSchool At Risk Setup/Use 24-25
PowerSchool Change History 24-25
PowerSchool Contacts 24-25
PowerSchool Creating and Savings Lists with List Students 24-25
PowerSchool Dates, Dates and More Dates 24-25
PowerSchool Days, Periods, and Bell Schedules 24-25
PowerSchool End of Term 24-25
PowerSchool End of Term/Storing Grades/Locking Gradebook 24-25
PowerSchool End of Year
PowerSchool Enrollment & Transfer Scenarios 24-25
PowerSchool Fall Scheduling 24-25
PowerSchool Grad Planning 24-25
PowerSchool Health Management 24-25
PowerSchool Historical Grades 24-25
PowerSchool Lock Reporting Terms 24-25
PowerSchool Maintaining Student Schedules 24-25
PowerSchool New Administrator Checklist 24-25
PowerSchool New Administrator Training 24-25
PowerSchool Object Reports Help Day 24-25
PowerSchool Password Managment 24-25
PowerSchool Personalized Learning PT Pro 24-25
PowerSchool Photo Management 24-25
PowerSchool PowerLunch 24-25
PowerSchool PowerLunch End of Year Exports 23-24
PowerSchool PowerLunch End of Year Exports 24-25
PowerSchool PowerScheduler Build Help Day 24-25
PowerSchool PowerScheduler Load Help Day 23-24
PowerSchool PowerScheduler Load Help Day 24-25
Powerschool PowerTeacher Pro Standards Gradebook 23-24
PowerSchool PowerTeacher Pro Standards Gradebook 24-25
PowerSchool Pre End of Year - EOY Checker 23-24
PowerSchool Pre End of Year - EOY Checker 24-25
PowerSchool Pre End of Year - Graduating Seniors 23-24
PowerSchool Pre End of Year - Graduating Seniors 24-25
PowerSchool Pre End of Year-Cleaning Up Enrollment Dates 23-24
PowerSchool Pre End of Year-Cleaning Up Enrollment Dates 24-25
PowerSchool Prepare to Schedule (New Admin to Scheduling) 24-25
PowerSchool Prepare to Schedule (New Districts to Scheduling) 24-25
PowerSchool Prepare to Schedule Returnees 24-25
PowerSchool PSCB Custom Reports 24-25
PowerSchool PSCB Customizations 24-25
PowerSchool PT Pro Gradebook Traditional 23-24
PowerSchool PTPro Gradebook Traditional 24-25
PowerSchool Standards Implementation 23-24
PowerSchool Standards Implementation 24-25
PowerSchool Student Attendance and Reports 24-25
PowerSchool Students Graduating Early 24-25
PowerSchool to STARS Vertical Reporting 24-25
PowerSchool Troubleshooting Grades 24-25
PowerSchool Understanding GPA 24-25
Pre-Standards Conversations
PSCB Custom Reports & Customizations 24-25
Reauthorization of EdPortal
SLDS - 101 Introduction to District and School Level reporting
SLDS - 102 Introduction to Student Level reporting and more
SLDS - Developing a Data Mindset
SLDS - Teacher Training 24-25
SLDS Engaging Staff 24-25
SLDS State & Federal Reporting 24-25
SLDS Teacher Dig 24-25
Standards Weighting in the High School