Are you looking for ways of bringing the outside world into your classroom? Learn how to find virtual field trips to take with your students. Experience multiple sites and applications that help you engage and creating a sense of wonder for your students.
Topic Details
Topic Skill
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 45 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
Explore where you can access and find current, new and upcoming virtual experiences.
Objective Description
  • Design and create virtual field trip experiences, combining elements from various platforms and applications to construct immersive learning journeys that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and an enriched understanding of the subject matter.
  • Identify and categorize a variety of virtual field trip resources available online, demonstrating an understanding of the different platforms and tools suitable for bringing real-world experiences into their classrooms.
  • Select and integrate appropriate virtual field trip resources into lesson plans, illustrating ability to translate theoretical knowledge into practical teaching strategies that enhance student engagement and foster a sense of curiosity.

Upcoming Sessions

No sessions for this topic are scheduled. Contact your Regional IT Specialist to schedule this workshop.