Participants will explore the learning tools built into Microsoft Office 365 applications. The learning tools include accessibility features that help learners to improve their literacy skills, including reading comprehension and fluency. The built-in tools can help by showing syllables or parts of speech, narrowing line focus, translating words, or even reading documents to students. There are also tools that allowed users turn speech to text, subtitles for PowerPoint, a presentation coach, and math tools in OneNote. Come prepared to practice using these tools.
Topic Details
Topic Skill
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 45 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
Explore Immersive Reader, Dictate, Math in OneNote, subtitles in PowerPoint, and Presentation Coach.
Objective Description
  • Identify and classify the diverse learning tools integrated within Microsoft Office 365 applications, emphasizing their utility for enhancing literacy skills and comprehension.
  • Summarize the range of accessibility features accessible through Microsoft Office 365 applications, explaining how these tools contribute to learners' reading fluency, comprehension, and overall accessibility in educational settings.
  • Utilize the various learning tools integrated into Microsoft Office 365 applications to enhance specific aspects.

Upcoming Sessions

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