Explore courses in the Cognia LINCspring course catalog. Learn new teaching techniques and ideas and explore how to utilize them in your classroom. Cycles are three hours in duration and focus on a variety of education topics.
Topic Details
Topic Skill
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 0 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
Explore the Cognia LINCspring Cycles
Objective Description
  • Analyze the effectiveness and suitability of different teaching techniques and ideas found in the Cognia LINCspring course catalog, and make informed decisions about their integration into your teaching practices.
  • Apply acquired teaching techniques and ideas from the Cognia LINCspring course catalog to design instructional plans suitable for your classroom environment.
  • Recognize and recall various teaching techniques and ideas presented in the Cognia LINCspring course catalog.

Upcoming Sessions

No sessions for this topic are scheduled. Contact your Regional IT Specialist to schedule this workshop.