Session Location
NDIT Main Office
Session Date

4201 Normandy St. N

This day is a help day once all requests have been entered into PowerScheduler.
Session Objectives
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the scheduling process by explaining the significance of entering student requests into PowerScheduler.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the scheduling process by critically assessing the outcomes of loading students into their schedules using PowerScheduler, identifying potential areas for improvement.
  • Utilize PowerScheduler to input student requests and create schedules, ensuring accurate placement of students based on their preferences and course availability.
Session Trainer
Robert Schafer
Session Delivery Method
On Site
Session Duration
6 Hours
Eligible for PD Credit
Session Cost
$ 0 per participant
Session Min Participants
Session Max Participants
Session City
Session Major Goal
Get students loaded into their schedules in PowerScheduler.