Review changes and offer suggestions for password management within PowerSchool with the update to 23.6.
Topic Skill
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 0 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
Review changes and offer suggestions for password management within PowerSchool with the update to 23.6.
Objective Description
  • Develop recommendations and suggestions for optimizing password management procedures within PowerSchool after the update to 23.6, designing effective strategies that align with best practices in cybersecurity to ensure robust user authentication and data protection.
  • Dissect the updated password management features in PowerSchool version 23.6, breaking down the components, processes, and potential vulnerabilities to provide informed suggestions for enhancing the systems security.
  • Evaluate the changes in password management within PowerSchool following the update to 23.6, comprehending the modifications made to the system's security protocols and authentication processes.

Upcoming Sessions

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