Do you still have many questions when storing grades at the end of the term? Are you wondering what to put in for cutoff dates in the permanently storing grades section and wondering when and where to store credit? EduTech will be covering the basics on how to store grades and will also take you through other steps that need to be completed at the end of each term. EduTech will also look at your district's GPA calculations and how your district calculates honor roll, class rank and cumulative GPA.
Topic Skill
Topic Eligible for PD Credit
Topic Cost
$ 20 per participant
Topic Min Participants
Topic Max Participants
Topic Duration
Topic Major Goal
EduTech will be covering the basics on how to store grades and will also take you through other steps that need to be completed at the end of each term. We will look at student GPAs and how to calculate Honor Roll, class rank and cumulative GPA.
Objective Description
  • Demonstrate proficiency in executing the steps required to store grades at the end of each term, including accurately recording grades, calculating cumulative GPA, and determining eligibility for honor roll and class rank based on district-specific calculations.
  • Evaluate different strategies for selecting appropriate cutoff dates in the process of permanently storing grades, considering factors such as academic timelines and administrative requirements.
  • Explain the significance of proper credit storage in the context of academic records, outlining the reasons for securely storing credit information and highlighting the potential implications of inaccurate credit allocation.

Upcoming Sessions

No sessions for this topic are scheduled. Contact your Regional IT Specialist to schedule this workshop.